on the go
Mobile Forms
Take your mobile workforce paperless and connect instantaneously to your back-office people and system(s) within days, not years and with powerful accuracy! ROI is over 300% !
It’s good to get mobile
Stay Connected
Our Rapid Application Mobility Platform (RAMP) drives your digital transformation. We help companies eliminate paper-based processes, automate business workflows, and utilize data analytics to empower workforces to increase your operational efficiency.
Integration Eliminates Re-Keying Data from Documents into System(s), Saving Valuable Time with Complete Accuracy.
Receive Data in Real Time and make a Dramatic Impact on ALL Departments.
Job Site Visibility with Date/Time Stamped, GPS Coordinates, Photos, Videos, Barcodes etc.

Flexible to your Unique Process
Errors Corrected off Paper
Going mobile makes it possible for companies to collect and submit data in the field and send it back to the home office immediately instead of waiting until the end of the day or week. The data collected in the field can then be integrated with other core system(s) eliminating the re-keying of data from documents saving valuable time with complete accuracy.
Our system can be used both internally and externally as well as on and offline. Workflows and routing can also be used between employees or even external people who are non-employees!
Industry Cost for Completing and Processing a Single Paper Form.
Hours Per Week Eliminated From an Admin Doing Paperwork.
A Company’s Paper Consumption Increasing Per Year.
Companys’ Yearly Spend Printing Paper.
$120 Billion
oh the possibilities
Order for Carry Out?
Improve Cash Flow
Increase Security, Efficiency, and Accuracy
Government Compliant Signatures & Security
Workflow for Approvals
Dynamic Forms
compliants with government regulations
Live Videos and Photos
Auto Calculations- no more mathematical rules
Ensure Policy and Procedures are met
Rule to ensure all required info is filled out
Tracking and Visibility
Can provide visibility to employee productivity

“Moving away from paper has been a game changer. Our technicians can deliver data electronically, in real time, not at the end of a shift.”
-Isaiah “Ike” Moss
General Manager and VP of KHAFRA Operation Services
“We have easily cut five to ten days off of each job.”
-Eduardo Lessa, CIO
GEM Pluming
Get In Touch
Get a Free Estimate or Schedule an Appointment
Round Table Discussion
Choose a FREE 15, 30, or 60-minute call to see what we can do for you.
Schedule A Needs Analysis
We will do an in-depth dive on your unique business process where we will identify where automation can fix your pain points and improve your ROI.